Scuba diving Antarctica December 2011

We had the opportunity to scuba with Penguins,we miss the Leopard seals but I'm working on going back this December again.
This Dive was special because we got to dive an Iceberg in water extremely deep, at the beginning is a little overwhelming but once you get use to the -4 C water and the thought you are in 1000 plus feet water,just relax and enjoy the experience.
I lost one of my cameras in this dive what it was good because the ice around the Iceberg was closing and if we would of done the full 45 minutes dive it would of be impossible for us to get to the surface. At 20 minutes into the dive my camera flood so we surface,5 minutes later the hole bay was froze and no way to move the boats or to go anywhere for the next 5 1/2 hours.
Then suddenly the wether change for a while and we was able to move the boats close to the ship and able to go back to the warmth.
It was one of those days that would never go away from my mind.
And thats why Antarctica is such an overwhelming place.